World Refugee Day 2012 – Giving Back To Community Project
Refugee Community Members from Burma Give Back To Their New Community
INDIANAPOLIIS, Indiana (June 22, 2012) – Teens involved in a summer program designed to engage in community action research took time on June 20th to give back to their new home in Indianapolis. A group of 20 students who are refugees from Burma and their instructors spent the day weeding and planting onion rows and spreading mulch at Indy Urban Acres Farm, a project of the Indianapolis Parks Foundation, Indiana University Health and Gleaners Food Bank. The “Giving Back to Community Day” was an opportunity for the high school students to learn about volunteerism and community service while also celebrating World Refugee Day.
“We are grateful to the City of Indianapolis and the state of Indiana for welcoming us to start a new life with them,” said Elaisa Vahnie, executive director of Burmese American Community Institute. “We want to say thank you to the government and to the people of Indiana. One way in which we can express our gratitude is by our community and volunteer services that benefit the city and the state.”
According to Indy Urban Acres Farm Manager Tyler Gough, produce from the farm will be donated to Gleaners Food Bank who will in turn distribute it to food pantries in Marion County. The harvest is expected to feed approximately 1,000 Indianapolis residents.
Several of the area high school students expressed satisfaction in having the opportunity to give back to the residents of their new home in Indianapolis. Rem Hniang spoke to the group about how giving of their time helped not only the community but also the teens. Hniang said community service helps teens learn how to be better members of the community and to learn how to help other people in the community who are less fortunate.
“Giving Back to Community Day” was a joint project of the Burmese American Community Institute, City of Indianapolis Mayor’s Office and Indy Parks and Recreation.
While census estimates of refugees from Burma in Indianapolis are reported to be less than 4,000, officials at local organizations serving the Burmese community say the number is closer to 9,000 due to secondary migration.
The Burmese American Community Institute was founded in 2011 to build a thriving and self-sufficient, sustaining and integrated Burmese community in Indianapolis through advocacy, education and employment.

Summer Scholars and instructors working as volunteers at the Indy Urban Acre Farm – Giving Back to The Community Project

A member of the Upward College Summer Program, Van Cer Kingbawl helps weed a row of onions at Indy Urban Acres Farm.

Rem Hnaing speaks to fellow teens at Indy Urban Acres Farm. She is one of 20 students who are participating in an Upward College Summer Program hosted by the Burmese American Community Institute.
Burmese American Community Institute