BACI Hosted University Students From Burma Touring the US

May 3, 2014

BACI Hosted University Students From Burma Touring the US

INDIANAPOLIS – A group of university students from Burma touring the United States in April visited Indianapolis before concluding their trip in Washington D.C this week. The Burmese American Community Institute (BACI) hosted the youth for two days during a four-week program led by the Office of International Development at Indiana University Bloomington with the support of the U.S. Department of State.

In a lecture delivered especially for the visiting students, “Ethnic conflict and the road to democracy in Burma,” Salai Elaisa Vahnie said that the best way to build a sustained democratic society and freedom in Burma is through education and educated young leaders. Vahnie, executive director of BACI, urged the students to embrace and appreciate ethnic diversity.

“Education itself is freedom, and it promotes respect and equality. A fundamental change through constitutional and institutional design is very important in Burma, but there has to be a parallel development with the democratic society,” Vahnie said.

A group of 21 students representing different ethnicities from various universities in Burma participated in the initiative.  Law, medicine, and engineering are just a few of the university majors students are studying. During their stay in Indianapolis, students also toured and met with representatives of the Indiana State House and City of Indianapolis Mayor’s Office. The university students also exchanged their experiences with local BACI Upward College Program participants.

The program is funded by the U.S. Department of State through the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The visit was designed to enhance leadership skills and position participants to become effective and engaged citizens upon their return to Myanmar.

Indiana University Bloomington had in the past administered the Burmese scholarship program, funded by the U.S. Department of State, which had facilitated university education for students from Burma. More recently, IU Kelly School of Business announced its support to Burma’s economic transition through a Global Development Alliance project that will extend the teaching and outreach capabilities of the Yangon Institute of Economics and help micro-to medium-sized business enterprises in Myanmar become successful.

The Burmese American Community Institute was founded in 2011 with a vision of education for all, a stronger community. The Institute is committed to improving the Burmese society through advocacy and education.

Media Contact:
The Burmese American Community Institute


Participants of Burma Youth Leadership Program (IU/USDOS) and Upward College Program at BACI.

Participants of Burma Youth Leadership Program (IU/USDOS) and Upward College Program at BACI.

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