Excerpt of BACI Executive Director Remarks Given at Meeting With Parents And Community Members
During Parents meeting on October 16, 2018 in Indianapolis, IN, USA, BACI Executive Director Elaisa Vahnie encourages parents and community members to be civically active and engaged citizens and to vote in midterm elections.
During parents’ engagement meetings where more than 100 parents attended in two sessions, Mr. Vahnie reminded the participants that as refugees and newcomers, integration and economic self-sufficiency was necessary and important. And that to be self-sufficient economically, the community members need to have a job which gives them the opportunity to earn and also allow them to give back. That is why since 2011, BACI has been implementing EMEDP, which assists the community members with their employment and small business start-up.
That however, earning and paying tax is not enough. One of the American’ values is participation and good citizenship. Recognizing the newcomers to be able to fully participate and exercise their rights dutifully is to become U.S. Citizens. That to achieve these goals, BACI has been assisting the community members with their English language training, citizenship and green card application, and other naturalization requirements.
That these are the immediate and basic necessary conditions for one to become self-sufficient economically and civically active and engaged.
That as we look to the future and as we move forward– and to have a developed and strong community in the long-run, the best way and perhaps the only way to ensure we reached that goal is to invest in our people and education. That is why BACI has been running its Upward College Program, which maintains 100% of college going-rate among the participants.
Mr. Vahnie thanked parents for their support and involvement with their children’s education, and at the same time emphasized the need to work together to ensure the success of the students, the youths, and therefore the community.