Application: 2020-2021 BACI Upward College (year-round) Program Application Form

The Upward College Program helps prepare the participants their college and future success through its innovative and comprehensive curriculum design including tutoring (English, Math & Science, Social Sciences), training in Advanced English Writing, including Business & Technical Communications, Essay Writing, Reading, and Leadership Development, SAT/ACT Preparatory, College Admissions, FAFSA, Scholarship Applications, and provide college coaching and mentorship services. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and Life Skill classes will also be included as well. The program will strictly implement health and safety measures that are in line with the federal and state suggestions in this midst of current pandemic. The program sessions/classes will officially kick-start on Tuesday, August 18, 2020. Application deadline: Monday August 17, 2020.
To apply, please go to the online application URL here: 2020-2021 Upward College Program Application Form
Or you may download a PDF application here: 2020-2021 Upward College Program Application Form