Application for BACI Upward College Summer Scholars Program 2022 Released

February 28, 2022 – The Burmese American Community Institute is pleased to announce today the releasing of the application for BACI Upward College Summer Scholars Program 2022.
The Upward College Summer Scholars Program is a highly interactive, fun, and intensive policy oriented academic 8-weeks research project that focusing on college access, English training, critical thinking and leadership development. Participants will have opportunities to work on group research projects that emphasize social justice issues currently facing our communities and societies. The students will each conduct a research project on the topic of his or her interests, in line with future educational and career goals, with a global perspective. Students will then produce academically written papers and present the major research findings, policy and solution recommendation ready to be implemented at the end of the program. The program utilizes the Participatory Action Research model, a process that has emerged in recent years as a methodology for societal grassroots change, program development, and evaluation. Each participating student is a “Summer 2022 Scholar” and will receive a stipend.
Youth from area High Schools who are:
• Grade: 9, 10, 11, or 12;
• Are between the ages of 15 and 22;
• Interested personal and leadership development, and
• Interested in college level Intensive English Training and going to college.
Application dealine: May 1, 2022
To apply, please go to the online application URL here: 2022 Upward College Summer Scholar Online Application Form
Or you may download a PDF application here: 2022 Upward College Program Application Form
Application deadline is May 1st. We will call/email you soon after we receive your application to set up an interview. We will be conducting interviews on a first come first serve basis. We will notify you by early May, the latest, to let you know if you are accepted to the Program. We will hold all students & a parent orientation on May 29th. The selected Scholar starts a Research Project on June 1st and presents the research findings in the first week of August.