Community Awards Nomination Form Open – 30 Years of Burmese Community in Central Indiana

In celebration of 30 Years of Burmese Community in Central Indiana, outstanding individuals and organizations in the past 30 years in our community will be honored at the Community Award Dinner on September 28, 2023.
All members of the community are invited to nominate persons and/or organizations who have demonstrated exceptionally successful in their education and/or career and have brought significant positive impact on our shared community in the following various different categories*.
The nomination form is open from July 12 through August 31, 2023. The winners will be announced two weeks before the award ceremony.
General Criteria**:
Nominee must be:
- Indiana Resident (former resident of Indiana will be considered if appropriate) and
- Burmese origin (all ethnic groups of Burma/Myanmar)
Please click each of the six Nomination Forms below to nominate.
I. First 30 Burmese in Central Indiana
Please submit below the names, year of arrival, and contact info of the person(s) you believe are part of the first 30 persons to have arrived or resettled in Central Indiana.
II. First Person Achievement Awards (Education & Professional Career)
Please submit the names of the person(s) you believe should receive the First Person Achievement Awards in the following category by clicking the above link.
- Associate
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Master’s
- Doctoral (Ph.D., Ed.D, etc.)
- First person to become a licensed teacher
- First person to become engineer
- First person to become doctor
- First lawyer/attorney
- First person to serve public service
- First person (other: enter any other field you believe is worth honoring)
III. First Person Achievement Awards (Business)
Please submit the names of the person(s) or business you believe should receive the First Person Achievement Awards (in Business categories) in the following areas(s).
- CPA Firm
- Real Estate
- First person to have Burmese Ethnic textile clothing (any ethnic of Burma/Myanmar)
- First person to have beauty/facial salon
- Restaurant
- Grocery
- Jewelry
- Dealership
- Insurance company
- First media entertainment organization
- First non-profit organization (501c3)
- First Arts & Design: Category 4
- Other professional fields: e.g. Law firm, architecture, banking, etc.
IV. Most Outstanding Awards (General based on past 30 years)
- Most Outstanding Business
- Most Outstanding Musician
- Personal Artist
- As a band
- Most accomplished author in the past 30 years (under 29)
- Most accomplished author in the past 30 years (29 and above)
- Most accomplished business in the past 30 years
- Youngest person to start a business in the past 30 years
- Outstanding Philanthropist (donate for humanity and charitable purposes) in the past 30 years
- Individual
- Church/business/org
- Outstanding community leader in the past 30 years
- Individual
- Organization
- Most accomplished arts/designer
V. Persons who earned Master’s Degree and/or Above (Education – beyond college achievement)
Kindly provide the name of the individual(s) you believe deserving of the Persons who earned Master’s Degree and/or Above (Education – beyond college achievement).
VI. Outstanding Community Partner Awards Nomination Form
NOMINATE non-Burmese individuals or organization(s) who have contributed significantly to the development of Burmese Community in Central Indiana in the past 30 years. The contributions and impact can be in many different forms and fields, e.g. educator, education service provider, employer, health service provider, hospital, etc. Thank you.
*Category name or required information for each of the categories may be adjusted when and if needed and appropriate during the nomination window.
**With respect to the eligibility in light of the criteria, third party verification to the satisfactory level of the Awards Committee might be required if and when needed and appropriate.