Enrollment Form: BACI’s newly added programs for the Ukrainians Humanitarian Parolees

Together with the local and national partners, BACI will be providing additional programming and services to the individual of Ukraine origins who arrived in the U.S with the humanitarian parolees status and are in the Central Indiana area and with the U.S. arrivals between 3months-5years. However all Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees are encouraged to enroll to receive the services.
The programs and services includes, but not limited to ..
- Career Pathway and Professional Development Program
- Certifications for next level job opportunities
- Educational, career and professional development counseling
- Employment Program
- Job applications
- Resume development
- Small business starts-up
- Civic and Cultural Education Program
- One-on-one legal assistance including EAD and parole
- English classes
- Inform Navigate Direct You Program
- School enrollment
- Healthcare information sessions
- Upward College Program
- College and career readiness activities
- College Scholarship and Financial Aid application assistances
- Mentorship and counseling and tutoring
- Basic Needs Program
- FSSA, SNAP, TANF, Medicaid benefit application assistance
- Rent/Housing/Energy assistances
- Mental Health and Physical Health services
- Alcohol and substance abuse rehabilitations and treatments
If you need services and assistances in any of the above listed item, please complete the simple enrollment form below: