CRPI Policy Action Research
About Center for Research, Policy and Innovation
The Center for Research, Policy and Innovation (CRPI) of the Burmese American Community Institute promotes collaborative research and action projects with local researchers, Burmese scholars, international colleagues, and stakeholders engaged in work related to the Burmese American community, Asian Americans, Myanmar, Southeast Asia, and the diaspora communities. The goal of the CRPI is to further innovative research activities, policy, and development-oriented projects that align with BACI’s vision and mission for advocacy, education, and service.
Established in August 2020, the CRPI builds upon nine years of impactful research programming through BACI’s Upward College Summer Scholars program. The Center aims to strengthen existing BACI programs and services, create innovative research projects in response to emerging needs in the community, translate research into action, and develop strategies for sustainability.
The CRPI is expanding BACI’s partner network of researchers, scholars, and academic and professional institutions. The Center’s vision is to advance community-driven research and strengthen community-university collaborations. Funding that has made the establishment of the CRPI possible include the Charles R. Bantz Chancellor’s Community Scholar Award of IUPUI and Lilly Endowment, Inc.
CRPI Partner Institutions
- Ball State University
- Indiana University Bloomington
- Indiana University School of Medicine
- Indiana University School of Social Work
- Purdue University
- Purdue University Fort Wayne
- Thomas P. Miller & Associates
- University of Indianapolis
- University of Lynchburg
The Center’s collaborative network of local and global scholars and leaders is growing. Presently, Elaisa Vahnie, MPA, Executive Director of BACI, is serving as director of the CRPI. Jessica Euna Lee, PhD, LSW, Assistant Professor at Indiana University School of Social Work, is serving as co-director of the Center, and Lian Sang, MPH, Programs Director of BACI, is serving as CRPI Research Support.
CRPI research affiliates include: Mary Encobo, MSEd, Purdue University Fort Wayne, Ei Ei Hlaing, PhD, Assistant Professor, the University of Lynchburg, Maureen Hoffmann, PhD, Thomas P. Miller & Associates, Minyoung Lim, MSW, Indiana University School of Social Work, Friar Pious Malliar Bellian, Indiana University School of Social Work, Megan S. McHenry, MD, MS, FAAP, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Mengxi Zhang, PhD, Assistant Professor of Health Science, Ball State University, and Xiang Zhou, PhD, Assistant Professor in Counseling Psychology, Purdue University.

CRPI Team:
CRPI Director: Elaisa Vahnie, MPA, Executive Director of BACI
CRPI Co-Director: Jessica Euna Lee, PhD, LSW, Indiana University School of Social Work-IUPUI
CRPI Research Support: Lian Sang, MPH, Programs Director of BACI
CRPI Research Affiliates:
Mary Encabo, MSEd, Purdue University Fort Wayne
Ei Ei Hlaing, PhD, University of Lynchburg
Maureen Hoffman, PhD, Thomas P. Miller & Associates
Minyoung Lim, MSW, Indiana University School of Social Work
Friar Pious Malliar Bellian, Indiana University School of Social Work
Megan S. McHenry, MD, MS, Riley Children’s Health, Indiana University School of Medicine
Mengxi Zhang, PhD, Health Science, Ball State University
Xiang Zhou, PhD, Counseling Psychology, Purdue University
CRPI Projects
The Center for Research, Policy and Innovation is presently in a formative stage and will announce developments in programming and research projects as they unfold. The following is a selected list of CRPI research projects:
- Participatory Action Research, BACI Upward College Summer Scholars Program
- Resilience and Protective Factors Among Burmese Refugees, in collaboration with Dr. Jessica Lee and the IUPUI Bantz Community Scholar Award
- Burmese Maternal and Child Health, in collaboration with Dr. Mengxi Zhang, Jean Marie Place and Indiana Minority Health Coalition funding.
- Photo Voice among the Burmese Community, in collaboration with Dr. Megan McHenry and Indiana University School of Medicine
In the summer of 2021, solution oriented policy action research/projects were designed and executed on the following ten topics, with a focus on some of the most pressing issues Myanmar is facing today.
- Designing a Federal Democratic Union of Myanmar
- Exploring the Role of the Internet in Higher Education in Myanmar with the focus on Rakhine State and Paletwa Township, Chin State
- Freedom of Speech under the State of Emergency in Myanmar – 2021
- Human Rights in Myanmar under the Coup and the Response of International Key Actors
- Immigration and International Policy Response in terms of Refugee and Humanitarian Assistance after the 2021 Coup
- Rapid Assessment of IDPs in Karenni State
- Religion, Ethnicity, and Conflict Resolution in Myanmar
- The Role of Myanmar Diasporas in the United States in Homeland Development: Comparative Analysis with the Vietnamese
- Sustainable Livelihood and Natural Resources Extraction in Kachin State
- TeleHealth – Access to Healthcare in Myanmar
Possible topics for future research projects include:
- Civic and Political Participation of the Burmese and Asian in the US
- Institutional Design and Public Policy (Education, Health, Economic development, etc.)
- Constitutional Design and Democratic Transitions in emerging democracies around the world
- Myanmar Military Coup and Solution (sub topics: The Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs), Human Rights, Democracy, the United Nations and/or the UN Security Council, the Role of International Communities and International Laws, International Organizations, etc.)
- Education and the international development
- Climate change resilience, planning for adaptation and mitigation measures for the community that can support in the implementing of environmental strategies for Myanmar.
- The Role of Myanmar Diaspora Community in Rebuilding the Southeast Asian Nation
- U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program and Secondary Migration
- COVID-19 and its Impact on the populations
- Higher Education, College Going Rates, College Persistence rates etc.
- Global Health, Public Health, Nutrition Health, Community Health, and Health related topics and more.
We are actively looking for Research Fellows to join us. Check this job description here: Research Fellows