Employment & MicroEnterprise (EMED)
Employment & MicroEnterprise Development Program (EMED)
EMDP has been assisting refugee community members with job placement through organized job fairs, one-on-one employment assistance, and technical assistance to entrepreneurs since 2011. The targeted population is Burmese refugees who have already lived a minimum of 180 days in the U.S., thereby assisting newcomers with becoming self-sufficient and allowing them to give back to their communities and contribute to economic growth. BACI has also supported at least 10 women running home-based childcare to benefit the community. This program expands to include support for entrepreneurs wanting to open other small businesses.
Whether you would like to provide training or you are a potential employer who is interested in leveraging a diverse workforce and would like to benefit from such talented and hard-working refugee employees — with approximately 21,000 calling Indianapolis their new home — the BACI is more than to work with you and assist your company in finding the right employee for you.
Please contact us at: info@baci-indy.org.
The EMED is implemented through the BACI Center for Integration and Community Development. Visit out our CICD Facebook page for updates and more photos: