Inform, Navigate & Direct You (INDY) Program is designed to help newcomers with their integration process and needs by connection and information sharing through various channels, including newsletter, email mailing list, social media, referrals, and others means.
The Community Integration Guidebook first published in 2014 and secondary edition in Chin Hakha Lai in 2015 are available on the Digital Library at the Indianapolis Public Library. This 77 page booklet is a complete quite for newcomers for their successful integration into the American society.
BACI INDY has also published 3,000 hard copies of quarterly community newsletter in several ethnic languages of Myanmar and in English aimed at educating, connecting, and bridging the refugees with the mainstream and community resources. The program also does in-person advocacy works for better services and greater community understanding. It also makes telephone and email referrals for various services including mental health services to the right service providers. In addition, the program identifies and pulls local resources together and directs them to the refugee population by means of establishing collaborative partnerships with various service providers — through jointly hosting events, presentation, meetings, forums, etc.

Referrals forms, including for services providers who wish to refer the clients to, are available below:
BACI to other Service Providers referral form:
Service Providers to BACI referral form: